Thank God, It’s Sundae..

Thank God, It's Sundae.. #1Okay.. few things to clear up before we continue.. Yes, I know it’s only Thursday and yes, I know that’s NOT a sundae ^^
However, I did have a lot of trouble deciding on the title for this blog post. So much I actually waited a day writing it. I don’t know I can’t just write the post itself and the come up with the title afterwards. *shakes head*
We may never know. And to be fair.. There IS ice cream in the picture AND today we have another day of the week. The weekend is approaching and I’ll be spending it with family.

Something I’m extremely pleased with when visiting family, is the option of stepping into the garden and enjoy the chilly breezes while still being in the comfort of somewhere familiar. Living in an apartment, I sadly spend too much time indoors during these extremely hot months, cooling myself down with a tons of ice cubes. And ice cream.. Seriously, I LOVE ice cream. call it my guilty pleasure, call it unhealthy.. You know what? Call it whatever you like. I call it freaking delicious! XD
It’s one of those things that can always cheer me up. Hmm, that’s not exactly the best way to feel better is it? Oh well.. It remains yummy.
Über yumm!

But we’ll step away from the ice cream for now, and I’ll look forward to a short weekend visit at my brother’s house, playing Monopoly and eating steaks fresh off the grill.
Doesn’t sound too bad does it now? 😉

Thank God, It's Sundae.. #2

Dress: -Pixicat- – Summer Dress ( pastel) @SeasonsStory
Hair: +Spellbound+ – Bubsy
Hairband: .:Buttery Toast:. – Yara’s Band (pink)
Shoes: REIGN. – Sabeth Heels @No21
Ice Cream: .Atomic. – Summer Treats (sandwich 3) @Seasons Story
Ring: *HolliPocket* – Bunneh FuFu Rang (woody light) @ProjectLimited
Poses: (marukin) – Poppy for C88 July @C88


One thought on “Thank God, It’s Sundae..

  1. Pingback: Thank God, It’s Sundae.. (Post-71514) - [O.L.D.] Old London Docks Best Feeds

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