New Directions…

New Directions

No, this post has nothing to do with Glee or anything there-of, and the fact that I feel the need to mention that makes me slightly worried. lol. So if you anticipate random and spontanious outbursts of song in the following paragraphs, I’m sad to disappoint you.

This is however a post that hopefully won’t get too personal, but yet some.  You see, in real life I’m quite the perfectionist and I tend to bring that with me into SL.. so much that the minute I feel like I’m not doing as good as I’d like, or see someone that is clearly better, then I succumb to that emotion of irrelevance.  In the end it’s a vicious circle of working my ass off and then feel unhappy of the result no matter what..  Do I think I’m the only one out there like that? Absolutely not… It’s quite common and the only difference is how each individual handle the situation.

So it’s time for a new direction… Cause I’m excellent at giving good advice and tell others to believe in themselves, but when it’s about myself, I’m less kind. But there is a lot to me thankful for.. Things I sometimes forget is there while I dive into a hole of selfpity.
I have some amazing friends.. I have my wonderful husband and we’ve decided to extend our little two person family. Yup, you heard me.. Penny, the spokesperson for “people against kid avatars” are planning to adopt.
Call it a moment of insanity… or maybe a moment of clarity? In either case it’s something that’ll take us a while to get familiar with and hopefully that will be the beginning of a long joyful time ♥
So take care of eachother out there.. Call or IM your friend and let them know you love them. Kiss your partner and tell them you can’t imagine life without them and when you tuck your kids in at night, then take a good look and enjoy the moment.. cause that’s what life is all about.

Shape: [Chickadee] – Iris
Skin: [Chickadee] – Iris (nude)
Hair: Clawtooth – Fade Into You (prize 8 dreamy red) @the.arcade
Bow: .:Buttery Toast:. – Life’s a Frill (red)
Eyes: [Chickadee] – Bloom (forest)
Outfit: AMITOMO – Long T-shirt + Waist-Shirt (set 3) @the.chapter.four
Necklace: +Half-Deer+ – Forest’s Tale Heart Key @the.arcade
Pin: .random.Matter. – MisaMisa Pins Random (kitty)
Pet: +Half-Deer+ – Forest’s Tale Mrs. Nuttington @the.arcade
Bag: =Zenith= – Chicken Bag @the.arcade
Legwarmers: [monso] – My Leg Warmers (grey)
Shoes: -FAUN- – Platform Play Verse (white) @the.chapter.four
Pose: Le Poppycock – Cakewalk B @the.chapther.four


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