

I’ve been switching skins a whole lot of times lately depending on my mood and outfit of choice, and I’m truly happy to see so many talented skin designers show up recently..  Browsing Facebook yesterday, someone had put up a link for a nearly free skin from [chickadee] that I just had to try out and it’s just too cute not to blog about ^^
Taking a chance, I IM’d the creator and you’ll be seeing a lot more of her stuff here on the blog ♥ tysm Fate.. (that’s her name btw.. not thanking fate here.. lol)

It took me forever to assemble an outfit that I really felt like clicked when I remembered the kimono from Offbeat.. it’s been sitting in my inventory since Amelie and I went to the Okinawa Summer Festival and I finally get to show it off 😀

Skin: [chickadee] – Broken Hearted (1L gift)
Hair: [^.^Ayashi^.^] – Hanako
Eyes: [Buzzeri] – Celestial Eyes (sapphire) @kustom9
Eyeshadow: {S0NG} – Glitter Mood (night sky)
Ears: [MANDALA] – Pierced Elf Ears VER2 (short)
Kimono: /// offbeat /// – Okinawa Summer Festival Look2 RARE
Feet: Slink – Mid
Socks: .tsg. – Prissy Ruffle Socks (white)
Shoes: .tsg. – Lolita Platforms (pink)
Frame: floorplan. – Sparkle Wall Frame
Poses: {Imeka} – Rose


Best in Black

Best In Black

So, this isn’t actually a blog post.. Or is it? Mmhm, maybe it is, but it’s also a challenge. An entry in a blogger’s application challenge. Yeah, I know it sounds a little confusing, but I actually like this idea. Gives a concept, and God, I just love concepts. Here’s the thing, me versus brainstorming can be a right disaster.
When I first heard, “Best in Black” being the theme of this challenge, my mind instantly went to something vintage. A 1920’s flapper dress and on we go, but.. Ugh.. I always do that. I love that sort of look, but I really wanted to go in a direction that’s out of my comfort zone.
*PS: I was THIS close to adding running mascara*

However, onto the point, since this isn’t actually a blog post, I shall soon end my rant. I do want to tell you about the bow in my hair though. As you’ll be able to see in the credits, it’s one of Buttery Toast’s new releases which will be available at The Big Show from the 7th of August. I will of course make sure to update when the time comes so you’ll have a LM.

Now… wish me luck ♥

{Let’s Get Physical}
Shape: Essences – Rose
Skin: Essences – Opera (peche)
Eyes: IKON – Sunrise (absinthe)
Eyelashes: *FTL* – Eyelashes C01 Natural
Eyeshadow: {Tilly} – Winged Eyeshadow (white)
Hair: [^.^Ayashi^.^] – Yumiko @TheCandyShop
Hands: Slink – Casual
Feet: Slink – High
Mouth: Loud Mouth – Alli

{Dressed Up to Undress}
Pasties: -=My=- – Pasties
Top: .:EC:. – Lorna Top (part of set)
Sweater: .:EC:. – Lorna Sweater (part of set)
Pants: ^v^DRBC^v^ – Belinda
Shoes: REIGN. – Parlay Heels

{Find That Statement Piece}
Bow: .:Buttery Toast:. – Life’s a Frill Bow @TheBigShow comingsoon
Piercings: :HV: – Aint [Ink] Colours
Poses: ::Axis:: – Rebel

In The Name Of Cats

In The Name Of Cats #2This post have absolutely nothing to do with cats.. Or does it? I don’t know.
And THAT’s the point of this post. Stuff we know squat about!
That’s right, there are actually things, besides dancing, that I, Penny Décor, know nothing of. Inconceivable, I know!
Okay, time for me to get off the high horse and be real for a minute ^^

One of the, many to be honest, things I know nothing, or very little about, is Mange. So when Faylinn came to me and told me about the items she was making for July’s Manga fair, I must have looked like a giant questionmark. Thank God we’re in SL and she couldn’t actually see my puzzled expression.
Now, I HAVE heard the word Manga before, and had a vague idea what it was about. I knew it was most likely Japanese (check), that it had something to do with cartoons (check).. and right about there, my knowledge on the matter ceased to exist.

What to do, what to do? I asked myself and turned to my good friend Google. I had to know.. What is this Manga? What does it do? Is there a secret handshake?

I will say this. One thing I found very interesting, is that when you see Manga inspired characters out there, they are usually very bright and colourful, but printed Manga comics are most often to be published in black and white. Really don’t know why I found that fact to be as interesting as I do.. Maybe we’ll find the answer to that in another post.

However, if you are a Manga fan, or you simply enjoy cute and colourful clothes and accessories, then you don’t wanna let this fair slips through your fingers. You’ve got all of July to visit, and .:Buttery Toast:. will be right there to greet you with not just one, but two items!

First is the “In The Name Of Cats” collar  and cuffs. You’ve got 7 different colours to choose from, and yet I went with pink.. again. I’m beginning to think I have a problem. ^^
Secondly, you have the necklaces. These come in a Otaku, Kawaii or Meow version, each in 3 different colours. The one I chose, is teal as I found the contrast with the pink to be quite pretty.
Now, I’ll happily admit that I had no freaking idea what Otaku meant, so once again I had to turn to Google. Apparently, there’s a few definitions of the word, depending on your culture, but all in all it comes down to being quite the fan/geek when it comes to this hobby. But according to Google, calling someon Otaku in Japan is an insult, so you might wanna refrain from calling someone that.

Just saying 😉

In The Name Of Cats #1

Collar/Cuffs: .:Buttery Toast:. – In The Name Of Cats @MangaFair
Necklace: .:Buttery Toast:. – Otaku (teal) @MangaFair
Hair: [^.^Ayashi^.^] – Marise @CandyShop
Dress: *SC* – Pink Polka Dot Summer Dress
Shoes: REIGN. – Pink Fusion Buckled Pumps
Eyes: [Buzz] – Ardent Eyes (sapphire)