In honor of…

In honor of...

*waves eagerly*

Hej, Hello, Bonjour, Hola… etc etc. So, yeah, I’ve been gone for quite a bit, and honestly it wasn’t even my intention to return.
It’s also never been my intention to turn this blog into a semi diary, cause I do believe there’s a time and place for everything.. and pouring out my heart to poor unsuspecting readers seemed wrong. Especially on a so-called “fashion blog”.
But as I took on more and more sponsors and focused less on what I truly care for, which is the writing, I got incredibly stressed out, trying to stay within my deadlines.
So now that I’m back, I’ve had to take the decision that is I won’t take on any sponsors. You’ll probably get to see me reuse quite a few items that I love and hopefully you’re okay with that.. If not, well then I’m hardly the only blog out there 🙂

Something else happened that has kept me away from blogging, simply cause nothing seemed important anymore.
In my last post “Mama’s Pearl” I talked about how my mom had gone to the hospital. She was there for a week and a half before she passed, and 2 days prior to her death, we were told cancer had spread to her entire body. It was an unbearable blow and though I’m grateful her suffering was short, I have not come to accept her death in the least.
She never knew about my Second Life, or this blog so maybe it’s silly to make this post in her honor, but that’s what I’m doing nontheless.

I’ve been lucky enough to have some very special people in my life who’s stood by me in this time, in one way another, and I can never thank them enough.

Skin: [Chickadee] – Aer (porcelain)
Hair: +Spellbound+ – NachoBitch
Eyes: {S0NG} – Blossom (deep blue eye) ::CosplaySL::
Blush: Pink Acid – Blush
Cold: .Oh!Liv. – Got A Cold
Necklace: -Buttery Toast- – Little Darling (brown)
Coat: _CandyDoll_ – Lolita Coat (champagne) ::Sad November::
Hands: Slink – Elegant 1
Nails: -Buttery Toast- – Frosty (group gift)
Shoes: .tsg. – Preppy Boots (mocha)


Mama’s Pearl…

Mama's Pearl...

Hi Ya’ll ♥ and sorry for my recent absence.. Today is gonna be a little quick update since I haven’t been on Second Life much at all the past week. To fill you all in, I started finding out that my mom was sick, then I got sick myself and then my mom went to the hospital. I know, lot of sickness, lot of mess.
But it’s means that I’m currently spending time at my parents house, helping my dad out with everyday stuff. God knows what the house would look like if he had to do it all on his own.
Anyways.. I’m not gonna get all personal here, but now you know what’s happening in case you’re following this little blog and you’re wondering, “hmm wherever did that Penny person go?” —-> here I am.

::Zup:: kindly accepted me onboard their blogger team a while back and I’m finally getting around to show you one of Carolina’s pretty dresses ^^ I’ve been loving this texture ever since I noticed a lot of people displaying it on Flickr. So lovely ♥
Today I’m also wearing one of the amazing hairstyles from *Soonsiki! which you’ll find at The Secret Affair.

And now time for a little story.. well, more of an “apology” really. Some time ago, I offered Amelie to move into my Linden home. My husband and I weren’t living there anyways and I feel good knowing that a friend is able to use it. But once in a while, I’m either too tired, or like today, doesn’t have enough time to find a location, and then I’ve popped over to use the house.. So Amelie.. Umm.. sorry for the breaking and entering ^^

That’s it from me today.. I wish everyone a world of happiness and good health, and if you could send a little back my way, I’d appreciate it ♥

Shape: [Chickadee] – Iris
Skin: (*ANGELICA) – Suzy Honeypink (group gift)
Hair: *Soonsiki! – Raven (pastels) @the.secret.affair
Headband: =Zenith= – Chrysanthemum Sheep Headband (rose) @kustom9
Eyes: (*ANGELICA) – Glassy Eyes Pink (group gift)
Dress: ::Zup:: – Mesh Dress Cat (pink)
Feet: Slink – Mid
Shoes: -SSW- – Kawaii Shoes 03
Pose: by Kirin


Love Summer…

Love Summer...

Todays outfit is another one that’s been dug up from under the rubble that is my inventory.. Okay okay, I’m actually trying to get it under control fyi ^^ but it’ll take a while and in the meantime I’m truly loving the things I find. The skirt, top and camera bag are all items I found at the summer round of Season’s Story and even though we’re hardly in the summer months anymore, there’s nothing wrong with bringing a little sunshine into the world..

I do have something brand new to show you today though.. Something I’ve been looking so much forward to ever since Faylinn showed me. .:Buttery Toast:. has just released this Cutesy Calculator which has a hold and type animation.. You can choose to buy one of the 8 base colours and then (via the amazing buttery hud) change colour on everything else, like buttons, screen.. etc.. or you can save 50% on the fatpack and then mix and match your little pixel heart out. Another brilliant feature is that you can change the text on the screen to whatever you want, as long as it’s no longer than 12 characters.

As a little extra special treat, .:Buttery Toast:. currently have a competition going which you can read much much more about [HERE].

Design a toast

Shape: [Chickadee] – Rea
Skin: [Chickadee] – Rea (nude)
Hair: (Milana) – Karen (with bow)
Eyes: {S0NG} – Circle (purple eye)
Top: * KITJA CHERIE * – Criss T-Shirt (white 2)
Skirt: * KITJA CHERIE * – Criss Skirt (apricot)
Calculator: .:Buttery Toast:. – Cutesy Calculator (purple)
Bag: :::Le Primitif::: – Fooli Film Camera Bag RARE
Hands: Slink – Elegant 1
Feet: Slink – High
Shoes: _CandyDoll_ – Icecream (cream)
Poses: {Imeka} – Amelie


Wake Up, You Might Be Dreaming…

Wake Up, You Might Be Dreaming...

Do you daydream? I know that I do.. Sometimes probably more than should be allowed. It’s often that I find myself staring into thin air, imagining something that I’ve either heard or seen or read. It’s something that I’ve been doing for as far as I can remember.. When I was a kid, I even had an imaginary friend. His name was Cat ^^
Don’t ask me why. As far as I can recall, he wasn’t of the feline species, neither did my family ever own a cat. Some say that it’s healthy for kids to have imaginary friends like that, and even to daydream.. That it evolves and develops their imagination, and yet we were always told to pay attention when we’d find ourselves slip into fantasy land during classes.
In my case, it’s something I still enjoy doing due to the lack of restrictions that exists inside our own minds… Hopefully that doesn’t make me sound like too much of a nutcase ^^

Todays outfit is a present from the wonderful Amelie whose blog you can find [here]. These overalls and shirt can be yours for only 99L at The Chapter Four. They have a ton of texture combinations that I absolutely adore and they went perfectly together with the cute rabbit stockings by, oh will you look at that, they are made by Amelie ♥ Go check out her store on the Marketplace cause it has some seriously cute stuff.

Shape: [Chickadee] – Misa
Skin: [Chickadee] – Misa (porcelain)
Hair: TRUTH – Melita
Headband: +Half-Deer+ – Forest Tale (flower crown) @the.arcade
Eyes: [Buzzeri] – Faerie Eyes (chocolate) [moving mainstore]
Ears: [MANDALA] – Pierced Elf Ears VER2 (long)
Outfit: ::7Style:: – Melanie Overalls @the.chapter.four
Stockings: { Hello Rabbit! } – Rabbit Stockings
Shoes: Flite. – Outsiders (star studded) RARE @the.arcade
Fairy: !Ohmai – Gerbera Faery [no longer available]
Poses: by Kirin


Blown Away…

Blown Away...

Ever since September’s round of Fit For A Princess, I’ve had this amazing dress by Moon Amore gathering dust in my inventory. I just couldn’t for the life of me think of a way to show it off or what to match it with, but as I dived into the vastness of my hair folder, I stumbled upon this one by Exile. When I bought it at the Hair Fair, I remember thinking how amazing it was and how many pictures I’d take with it… Yeah, that never happened. lol.
But today it did, and I’m happy for that ♥

Shape: [Chickadee] – Misa
Skin: [Chickadee] – Misa (porcelain)
Hair: Exile – Blown Away
Eyes: .random.Matter. – Fracture Eyes (sea)
Tears: INSITU – Tears
Dress: :Moon Amore: – Sudestada Dress @fit.for.a.princess
Hands: Slink – Elegant 1
Feet: Slink – High
Left Pose: . Infiniti . – Blowing Bubbles
Right Pose: PURPLE POSES – Rachel




For those of you who doesn’t know, “Heathers” is a very dark comedy from 1988. Good year! In it, you’ll find Heather Chandler, Heather Duke and Heather McNamara, the three most popular and feared girls in high school. They are picture perfect, but even the prettiest painting can be destroyed.

Were you a Heather? Are you?… These days, the term “Heathers” are used to describe a clique of girls and I’ll admit the first time I heard it, was on Ru Pauls Dragrace. lol. Sorry but I love that show ^^
There was a little tight-knitted group who seemed to love one another but despise all others… and secretly eachother as well. There is a lot underneath the surface that we don’t notice when we look at someone. What do they think? Why are they acting that way?
It’s one of those things we’ll probably never get a final answer to, but we do have the possibility to treat eachother with respect and kindness and forgiveness.

So come on… don’t be a Heather.

Today is the day The Thrift Store opens, with all items marked 50% down. One of the items you’ll be able to find there is the Emilia collars by .:Buttery Toast:. which just has the cutest rose you ever did see ♥
You also wanna get your pixel butt down to [Chickadee]’s store, cause her opening sale ends today. From now on, all single packs will be 699L and fatpacks 999L.

DISCLAIMER: No Heathers were injured in the making of this post.

Shape: [Chickadee] – Rea
Skin: [Chickadee] – Rea (nude)
Hair: Clawtooth – Heathers (sunny days red) @collabor88
Eyes: {S0NG} – Toki (navy eye)
Eyeshadow: cheLLe – Simply Dusty (baby blue)
Earrings: *BOOM* – Miami Drop Earrings @collabor88
Collar: .:Buttery Toast:. – Emelia (black)
Outfit: [hh] – Heather
Poses: (marukin) – Morning @collabor88


Take Care The Road You Choose

Take Care The Road You Choose

Hello! ♥

A short update this evening since I’m taking Tuesday completely off anything that has to do with blogging. Tomorrow I’m gonna focus on getting my apartment properly cleaned and then spend an amazing day and evening in the company of my husband.

As you can tell, I am once again wearing the Tee*fy boots from The Arcade, just in another version. Is there some unspoken blogger rule that you can’t wear the same items twice? In that case I might be in trouble ^^

Shape: [Chickadee] – Rea
Skin: [Chickadee] – Rea (porcelain)
Hair: Wasabi Pills – Mia
Bow: *katat0nik* – Carousel Hair Bow (rose red unicorn)
Eyes: {S0NG} – Toki (navy eye)
Outfit: The Secret Store – Kiera Romper (red polka)
Hands; Slink – Bag & Elegant
Walkman: Soy. – TAPEMAN (silver red)
Shoes: Tee*fy – Chelsea Boots (red polka dot) @the.arcade
Poses: by Le Poppycock


Pretty in Pink

Pretty in Pink

I’ll keep todays post short and settle for telling you about the amazing group gifts that I’ve featured today..
First up we have the Suzy skin from (*ANGELICA). Puuuuuurdy huh? ^^
I have to say that I’m extremely impressed with this skin and even though it costs 300L to join the group, it’s money well spent. The group gift pack includes an eyebrow shape and a set of eyes, all of which I’m wearing today.

Next up we have the Galina dress from Tee*fy. I’ve been a fan of Tee*fy’s for quite a while now and it seems like I always end up buying some of their stuff when I run into their booth at an event.  The fee to join the group is only 50L, and also money well spent I assure you ♥
Also I’d like to thank Amelie for getting me the pink boots from The Arcade!! ^^ I was looking everywhere for those and no one seemed to wanna sell them, but she came to the rescue.

Currently I’m trying not to shop as much as I’ve previously done. It’s been a bad habit for so long to just buy and buy and buy and use the blog as an excuse to do so. Hopefully I’m able to dive into my inventory and dig up some stuff ♥

Shape: [Chickadee] – Aer
Skin; (*ANGELICA) – Suzy (honeypink group gift)
Hair: TRUTH – Luella
Crown: .:Buttery Toast:. – The Rule of Cute (white)
Eyes: (*ANGELICA) – Glassy Eyes Pink (group gift)
Necklace: BluPrintz – Gathered Necklace (gold) @fit.for.a.princess
Wand: *cila* – Fountain Pen of a Pure Heart (pink gold) @fit.for.a.princess
Hands: Slink – Bag & Elegant
Dress: Tee*fy – Galina Dress (group gift)
Shoes: Tee*fy – Chelsea Boots (pink) @the.arcade


It’s The End Of The World


There’s a new round of Uber going on, and as I promised earlier.. yes, this post contains [monso] stuff. Hey, say what you want, but I keep my promises ^^ I didn’t intend to post this tonight, but here goes anyways ♥
The theme of this month is “THE APOCALYPSE”. Honestly I can’t remember if it’s all in caps on the poster, but a subject like that deserves big letters.. Nay, HUGE LETTERS.
Originally I took a picture when the event first opened and I had it lying on my desktop for a while, not really happy with the result. Oh well, I thought today and altered the look, the location and voila! Do people still say voila?
Also, I’ve been kinda looking for an excuse to get the beater bat by The Horror! ever since I saw it on flickr ^^ So bring on the zombies.. I’ll be ready.. *raises her bat*

Skin: Glam Affair – Artemis TheLastDays 06 (jamaica) @uber
Hair: TRUTH – Rogue @uber
Goggles: Remarkable Oblivion – Sandstorm Goggles (war-torn)
Eyes: [Chickadee] – Bloom (ocean)
Blood: Corvus – Bloody Lips
Outfit: [monso] – My Jumpsuit (white) @uber
Bat: The Horror! – Beater Bat
Poses: [Expressive Poses] – Candice Free


What I Go To School For…

What I Go To School For

Lately I’ve been seeing so many amazing pictures of people wearing the school uniform by [monso] and it took me a while to figure out that it was one of the items from this round at FaMESHED. I was actually a little surprised to discover this as I’d already been there and hadn’t seen this outfit a all… Damn you SL lag!
Anyways, I went back to get it… I’m honestly in absolute love with [monso]’s items lately, so I might as well let you know that they’ll also appear in the the next blogpost. Deal with it ^^

I also need to tell Fate that Loud Mouth appliers must be next on her list when she makes such amazing skins! Whew, took me ages to colour match but I finally managed to find one that was so close it really took minimal editing.. I’d say as much editing as I always do where Loud Mouth is concerned. But I have to say, this skin was absolutely worth the trouble.. it’s just too pretty not to love XD

And then I finally found an outfit where I felt I’d be able to show off the Olivia garters by .:Buttery Toast:. in the way they deserve. They are Fay’s new release for The Big Show which opens the doors sometime today..
You buy the garter colour of your choice and then you’re able to change the colour on the rose, ribbon, cross ribbon and eyelets.. It makes it very easy to match the garters to your outfit as well as the resize script that ensures a fit to your size of legs.

Shape: [Chickadee] – Misa
Skin: [Chickadee] – Misa (nude)
Hair: TRUTH – Blythe
Antlers: +Half-Deer+ – Spring Blossom Antlers (natural)
Ears; +Half-Deer+ – Spring Blossom Antlers (natural)
Eyes: {S0NG} – Chibi (navy eye)
Mouth: Loud Mouth – Brandee (open)
Top: [monso] – My Preppy Sweater (white) @fameshed
Skirt: [monso] – My Preppy Skirt (red) @fameshed
Camera: AMITOMO – Vintage Camera (tartan red)
Garters: .:Buttery Toast:. – Olivia (white)
Socks: Crazy Daisy – Thigh Socks
Shoes: .:EC:. – ABL Army Boots
Board: +Half-Deer+ – Standing Whiteboard
Poses: {Imeka} – Lu Pose Pack