

For those of you who doesn’t know, “Heathers” is a very dark comedy from 1988. Good year! In it, you’ll find Heather Chandler, Heather Duke and Heather McNamara, the three most popular and feared girls in high school. They are picture perfect, but even the prettiest painting can be destroyed.

Were you a Heather? Are you?… These days, the term “Heathers” are used to describe a clique of girls and I’ll admit the first time I heard it, was on Ru Pauls Dragrace. lol. Sorry but I love that show ^^
There was a little tight-knitted group who seemed to love one another but despise all others… and secretly eachother as well. There is a lot underneath the surface that we don’t notice when we look at someone. What do they think? Why are they acting that way?
It’s one of those things we’ll probably never get a final answer to, but we do have the possibility to treat eachother with respect and kindness and forgiveness.

So come on… don’t be a Heather.

Today is the day The Thrift Store opens, with all items marked 50% down. One of the items you’ll be able to find there is the Emilia collars by .:Buttery Toast:. which just has the cutest rose you ever did see ♥
You also wanna get your pixel butt down to [Chickadee]’s store, cause her opening sale ends today. From now on, all single packs will be 699L and fatpacks 999L.

DISCLAIMER: No Heathers were injured in the making of this post.

Shape: [Chickadee] – Rea
Skin: [Chickadee] – Rea (nude)
Hair: Clawtooth – Heathers (sunny days red) @collabor88
Eyes: {S0NG} – Toki (navy eye)
Eyeshadow: cheLLe – Simply Dusty (baby blue)
Earrings: *BOOM* – Miami Drop Earrings @collabor88
Collar: .:Buttery Toast:. – Emelia (black) @the.thrift.shop
Outfit: [hh] – Heather
Poses: (marukin) – Morning @collabor88


New Directions…

New Directions

No, this post has nothing to do with Glee or anything there-of, and the fact that I feel the need to mention that makes me slightly worried. lol. So if you anticipate random and spontanious outbursts of song in the following paragraphs, I’m sad to disappoint you.

This is however a post that hopefully won’t get too personal, but yet some.  You see, in real life I’m quite the perfectionist and I tend to bring that with me into SL.. so much that the minute I feel like I’m not doing as good as I’d like, or see someone that is clearly better, then I succumb to that emotion of irrelevance.  In the end it’s a vicious circle of working my ass off and then feel unhappy of the result no matter what..  Do I think I’m the only one out there like that? Absolutely not… It’s quite common and the only difference is how each individual handle the situation.

So it’s time for a new direction… Cause I’m excellent at giving good advice and tell others to believe in themselves, but when it’s about myself, I’m less kind. But there is a lot to me thankful for.. Things I sometimes forget is there while I dive into a hole of selfpity.
I have some amazing friends.. I have my wonderful husband and we’ve decided to extend our little two person family. Yup, you heard me.. Penny, the spokesperson for “people against kid avatars” are planning to adopt.
Call it a moment of insanity… or maybe a moment of clarity? In either case it’s something that’ll take us a while to get familiar with and hopefully that will be the beginning of a long joyful time ♥
So take care of eachother out there.. Call or IM your friend and let them know you love them. Kiss your partner and tell them you can’t imagine life without them and when you tuck your kids in at night, then take a good look and enjoy the moment.. cause that’s what life is all about.

Shape: [Chickadee] – Iris
Skin: [Chickadee] – Iris (nude)
Hair: Clawtooth – Fade Into You (prize 8 dreamy red) @the.arcade
Bow: .:Buttery Toast:. – Life’s a Frill (red)
Eyes: [Chickadee] – Bloom (forest)
Outfit: AMITOMO – Long T-shirt + Waist-Shirt (set 3) @the.chapter.four
Necklace: +Half-Deer+ – Forest’s Tale Heart Key @the.arcade
Pin: .random.Matter. – MisaMisa Pins Random (kitty)
Pet: +Half-Deer+ – Forest’s Tale Mrs. Nuttington @the.arcade
Bag: =Zenith= – Chicken Bag @the.arcade
Legwarmers: [monso] – My Leg Warmers (grey)
Shoes: -FAUN- – Platform Play Verse (white) @the.chapter.four
Pose: Le Poppycock – Cakewalk B @the.chapther.four


Things That Make You Go Hmmm…

Things That Make You Go Hmmm...
Hair: Clawtooth – Chick Habit
Eyes: IKON – Spectral Eyes (abyss)
Glasses: .tsg. – Shy Megane (bubblegum)
Earrings: .:Buttery Toast.: – Jam Earrings (free group gift)
Top: -tres blah- – Open Collar Blouse @uber
Skirt: – tres blah- – Denim Mini Skirt @uber
Phone: Keitai Flip Phone Sweets Decoden RARE
Bracelet: 2PM. – Pony Bracelet RARE @kustom9
Feet: Slink – Mid
Shoes: -Pixicat- – Summer Sandal
Poses: Kirin – Rumi

Mad City

Mad City

I often come across sims that simply take my breath away. May it be because of the colours, creativity, or the warped mind that the creator must have. It’s impressive to say the least.
Mad City is one of these places. 
As you take a stroll down the streets in the dark and the rain, and you look at the stores, you realize just how much work goes into these places to create the proper mood or tone.

Now, I’m one of those people who find the pouring rain and streets lit up by signs and lampposts only, extremely romantic.. 
So while it might be a mad city, it’s certainly also full of a warmth we can thank the MadPea Production for. Also.. While you’re there, you might as well join the Lost Mine Hunt. A point and click game in beautiful sorrounding and with fabulous prices at the end. Well worth the time and 150L you have to spend on the HUD that is required to play.

Mad City, Da Vinci Isle (112, 78, 32) – Moderate

Hair: Hang it Up by Clawtooth @C88
Coat: Millie Mink Coat (midnight) by Belgravia
Leggings: Black Leather Leggings by Villena
Shoes: MaryJanes by Reign
Umbrella: Broken RARE by Remarkable Oblivion