Blown Away…

Blown Away...

Ever since September’s round of Fit For A Princess, I’ve had this amazing dress by Moon Amore gathering dust in my inventory. I just couldn’t for the life of me think of a way to show it off or what to match it with, but as I dived into the vastness of my hair folder, I stumbled upon this one by Exile. When I bought it at the Hair Fair, I remember thinking how amazing it was and how many pictures I’d take with it… Yeah, that never happened. lol.
But today it did, and I’m happy for that ♥

Shape: [Chickadee] – Misa
Skin: [Chickadee] – Misa (porcelain)
Hair: Exile – Blown Away
Eyes: .random.Matter. – Fracture Eyes (sea)
Tears: INSITU – Tears
Dress: :Moon Amore: – Sudestada Dress @fit.for.a.princess
Hands: Slink – Elegant 1
Feet: Slink – High
Left Pose: . Infiniti . – Blowing Bubbles
Right Pose: PURPLE POSES – Rachel


Come Out And Play

Come Out And Play #1

Welcome to the first official post of Dress Those Pixels. As much as I loved Blogspot, I’m extremely happy with the new layout and name. I think it’s something that’s been long overdue and even though some links here and there are still missing, I feel comfortable enough to continue where I left of with Fabulous and Something.

I wasn’t actually supposed to be dealing with the blog this weekend. In any form. I was supposed to go to my brother’s house and relax, but sickness sneaked its way in and ruined my plans. You know how you get ideas at the strangest of times right? That’s kinda what happened with this name and domain switch. What was I supposed to do? Just lie around and do nothing for 3 days? Mmhm, that wasn’t really bound to happen.
This I will admit.. I’ve been about to give up around 57 times. The import/export feature that normally takes care of transfering old posts messed up the format big time, and I’ve had to rewrite every single post to get it to look the way I wanted. Waste of time? Perhaps, and certainly not all posts have been able to make the trip.

But it hasn’t been all work and no play. I have amazing friends who’ve backed me up these past couple of days and kept me from tossing my laptop out the window. And I think that’s one of the major reasons I was able to find inspiration for this post today.
With the new “Rule of Cute” crown from .:Buttery Toast:. I knew instantly which dress I’d like to pair it up with. But besides that? I hadn’t a clue. Until this morning when my fiancé and I visited the lovliest sim called Woodsy.
It’s one of those places where you truly wanna spread your arms and twirl, watching the skirt of your gown follow you as you move..

So welcome to Dress Those Pixels.
And thanks for coming out to play ^^

Come Out And Play #2

{Let’s Get Physical}
Shape: Essences – Rose
Skin: Lara Hurley – Ivy (pale)
Eyes: IKON – Spectral Eyes (abyss)
Eyeliner: Lara Hurley – Black Eyeliner
Freckles: Glam Affair – Leah Freckles (a)
Hair: !Ohmai – Sopha (w/tweeters) (no longer available)
Hands: Slink – Casual and Bag

{Dressed Up to Undress}
Dress: {Junbug} – The Debutante (sky) @Kustom9

{Find That Statement Piece}
Crown: .:Buttery Toast:. – The Rule of Cute Crown (gold) NEW
Poses: . Infiniti . – Blowing Bubbles


Feeling Toasty Warm & Munching Cotton Candy

I'm so Kawaii ♥

Yes, that’s right.. I did a cross-eye picture. Simply because I needed a picture that could properly describe the bubblyness that I’m feeling lately. I applied to join the bloggers group of Buttery Toast, one of the most adorable shops on this side of Mississippi.. I mean.. Oh nevermind,  you get it. ^^ And I’m happy to announce that I’ve been accepted and is now a member of the Toastling family.. Feeling the love already ♥

This, of course means that you’ll see quite a bit of these cute items that Faylinn dishes out, and I can promise you, it’s a treat.
So let’s start with the first treat, shall we? COTTON CANDY!
That’s right. From May 4th to May 31st, 100+ designers have put out stuff for the grid wide hunt, disguised as cotton candy. Every item is 2L and you’ll find Buttery Toast as #17 on the list with this cute lingerie set (with Slink, Phat Azz and Lola Tango Appliers).
The hint is: Don’t come near these with a pin… they might go pop!

For a full list of Slurls and Hints, visit:

But wait! There’s more… What is it you ask? Well, I’ll tell you. Calm down.
Buttery Toast have added their “I’m so Kawaii” ring, necklace and hairclip to the mainstore. With the color-picker, you can customize the front and sides to be any color you want. What more could you possibly wish for? XD

Toasty Warm in Buttery Toast lingerie.

Lingerie: #17 by .:Buttery Toast:. (Cotton Candy Hunt)
Necklace: “I’m so Kawaii Necklace” by .:Buttery Toast:.
Ring: “I’m so Kawaii Ring” by .:Buttery Toast:.
Hairclip: “I’m so Kawaii Hairclip” by .:Buttery Toast:.
Hair: Almonds [2] by Magika
Poses: Handy by . Infiniti .