A Bag of Wonders

A Bag of Wonders

Hello and welcome to another episode of “which excuse does Penny need to go shopping?”.. If you’ve answered, “hardly any” then you are correct. Sorry, no prizes.. Pfft, please.. The answer was too easy.

So I took a trip to [Entwined] and :::Le Primitif:: and did some “emergency” shopping. I mean, what’s a girl to wear these days? When everything else fails, go for the little black dress! And I did.. I’m so in love with one.. and I’m starting to think I use that phrase a little too often. Oh well.
I’m also wearing this fabulous bow from -Buttery Toast- which has an even more amazing name.. PENNY! XD
Coincidence? I think not 😉
Another brilliant item from Mama Toast in this post, is the Bag of Wonders which will be available for a few more days at the Cirque de Seraphim.

Hair: [Entwined] – Neva
Bow: -Buttery Toast- – Penny Bow
Eyes: .random.Matter. – Fracture Eyes (sea)
Lipstick: Glam Affair – CLEO 06 artic
Dress: :::LP::: – Evangeline Dress
Bag: -Buttery Toast- – Bag of Wonders ::Cirque de Seraphim::
Watch: [MANDALA] – Billionaire Fashionista (white)
Hands: Slink – Bag
Feet: Slink – Mid
Shoes: REIGN. – Mari Plats ::Kustom9::


Wake Up, You Might Be Dreaming…

Wake Up, You Might Be Dreaming...

Do you daydream? I know that I do.. Sometimes probably more than should be allowed. It’s often that I find myself staring into thin air, imagining something that I’ve either heard or seen or read. It’s something that I’ve been doing for as far as I can remember.. When I was a kid, I even had an imaginary friend. His name was Cat ^^
Don’t ask me why. As far as I can recall, he wasn’t of the feline species, neither did my family ever own a cat. Some say that it’s healthy for kids to have imaginary friends like that, and even to daydream.. That it evolves and develops their imagination, and yet we were always told to pay attention when we’d find ourselves slip into fantasy land during classes.
In my case, it’s something I still enjoy doing due to the lack of restrictions that exists inside our own minds… Hopefully that doesn’t make me sound like too much of a nutcase ^^

Todays outfit is a present from the wonderful Amelie whose blog you can find [here]. These overalls and shirt can be yours for only 99L at The Chapter Four. They have a ton of texture combinations that I absolutely adore and they went perfectly together with the cute rabbit stockings by, oh will you look at that, they are made by Amelie ♥ Go check out her store on the Marketplace cause it has some seriously cute stuff.

Shape: [Chickadee] – Misa
Skin: [Chickadee] – Misa (porcelain)
Hair: TRUTH – Melita
Headband: +Half-Deer+ – Forest Tale (flower crown) @the.arcade
Eyes: [Buzzeri] – Faerie Eyes (chocolate) [moving mainstore]
Ears: [MANDALA] – Pierced Elf Ears VER2 (long)
Outfit: ::7Style:: – Melanie Overalls @the.chapter.four
Stockings: { Hello Rabbit! } – Rabbit Stockings
Shoes: Flite. – Outsiders (star studded) RARE @the.arcade
Fairy: !Ohmai – Gerbera Faery [no longer available]
Poses: by Kirin




I’ve been switching skins a whole lot of times lately depending on my mood and outfit of choice, and I’m truly happy to see so many talented skin designers show up recently..  Browsing Facebook yesterday, someone had put up a link for a nearly free skin from [chickadee] that I just had to try out and it’s just too cute not to blog about ^^
Taking a chance, I IM’d the creator and you’ll be seeing a lot more of her stuff here on the blog ♥ tysm Fate.. (that’s her name btw.. not thanking fate here.. lol)

It took me forever to assemble an outfit that I really felt like clicked when I remembered the kimono from Offbeat.. it’s been sitting in my inventory since Amelie and I went to the Okinawa Summer Festival and I finally get to show it off 😀

Skin: [chickadee] – Broken Hearted (1L gift)
Hair: [^.^Ayashi^.^] – Hanako
Eyes: [Buzzeri] – Celestial Eyes (sapphire) @kustom9
Eyeshadow: {S0NG} – Glitter Mood (night sky)
Ears: [MANDALA] – Pierced Elf Ears VER2 (short)
Kimono: /// offbeat /// – Okinawa Summer Festival Look2 RARE
Feet: Slink – Mid
Socks: .tsg. – Prissy Ruffle Socks (white)
Shoes: .tsg. – Lolita Platforms (pink)
Frame: floorplan. – Sparkle Wall Frame
Poses: {Imeka} – Rose




I promise it’s not gonna be an occuring thing of me losing my clothes on the blog now, lol.. sorry guys.. However, I’m not used to showing off tattoos and I felt like no matter what I wore, it would cover at least half the owl on my thigh.. Even with this tiny scrap of fabric, I’ve managed to cover up the lovely rose that is also a part of this Spring Forest Babes tattoo from KALINA.

In any case, I decided to become one with nature and grow antlers ^^ Aren’t they adorable?

Skin: Essences – Jamie Medium01 (free gift – includes pale and dark version)
Tattoo: KALINA – Spring Forest Babes
Hair: MOON – Tricky Two
Antlers: +Half-Deer+ – Metallic Leaf-Vein Antlers (sweet pea)
Ears: [MANDALA] – Pierced Elf Ears VER2 (short)
Eyes: {S0NG} – Frost (violet)
Eyeshadow: MONS – Eyeshadow Baggy (pinkish)
Outfit: ~Blacklace~– Tender Caress
Hands: Slink – Elegant
Poses: by Kirin


Cry Me A River

Cry Me A River

Sometimes I feel like I miss out of a lot of great pictures on Flickr.. Of course when you’re following a lot of people, you’re only exposed to the most recent and then you accidently fall over others at a later time. I was lucky as to fall upon this picture uploaded by INSITU Genetics, and was instantly inspired to make this look.. Granted, it’s a little more risky than what I’d usually put out on the blog, but you know what they say.. As long as nudity is done artisticly, then it’s Aokaaaaaay… Did I succeed?

You’ll notice that I haven’t included the Spellbound slurl today, which is because the store is closed for the following week.. but you’ll be able to find her newest release at this round of Suicide Dollz ^^

Skin: INSITU – Kiku (canella)
Hair: +Spellbound+ – SpitOrSwallow @suicidedollz
Ears: [MANDALA] – Pierced Elf Ears VER2
Eyes: [Buzz] – Celestial Eyes (sapphire) @kustom9
Eyeshadow: {S0NG} – Glitter Mood (black cat)
Tears: INSITU – Tears
Mouth: Loud Mouth – Alli
Wings: LaGyo – Metis Wings @collabor88
Arrows: LaGyo – Metis Arrows @collabor88
Ring: LaGyo – Metis Ring @collabor88
Hands: Slink – Casual
Feet: Slink – Mid
Pose: DANIMATIONS – Modesty Pose Pack



Greece is the Word

Greece is the Word

Collabor88 is having a birthday bash, and Ancient Greece is the theme. If you’re one of the lucky ones who’s already been able to enter the extremely full Sim, you’ll have already noticed just how many amazing items are up for grabs. If you’re one of the people who’s yet to enter, well… There’s a treat in store for you. I’ve seen many blogs already showing off the wonders of this round, but what the hell.. I’m jumping on the bandwagon and have chosen to put together my three favourite outfits that I got out of the shopping spree…


Skin: Essences – Opera (peche)
Eyes: IKON – Spectral Eyes (abyss)
Hands: Slink – Casual & Elegant
Feet: Slink – Mid
Poses: Kirin – Athena Pose Pack

Hair: Lamb – Pandora
Hairdress: Glam Affair – Victorious Headdress Pure Gold
Dress: Tee*fy – Aphrodite Dress (creme)
Watch: [MANDALA] – Billionaire Fashionista (white)
Shoes: Pure Poison – Gold Goddess Sandals

Hair: Magika – Harmony
Dress: ::{u.f.o}:: – Luna Dress Short (black)
Shoes: Pure Poison – Black Goddess Sandals

Hair: Lamb – Asteria
Hairdress: Cae – Odyssey headband
Dress: -tres blah- – Artemis Dress (chiffon)
Ring: {Imeka} Athena Pearl Ring
Shoes: RO – Phalanx Wedges (white)