In honor of…

In honor of...

*waves eagerly*

Hej, Hello, Bonjour, Hola… etc etc. So, yeah, I’ve been gone for quite a bit, and honestly it wasn’t even my intention to return.
It’s also never been my intention to turn this blog into a semi diary, cause I do believe there’s a time and place for everything.. and pouring out my heart to poor unsuspecting readers seemed wrong. Especially on a so-called “fashion blog”.
But as I took on more and more sponsors and focused less on what I truly care for, which is the writing, I got incredibly stressed out, trying to stay within my deadlines.
So now that I’m back, I’ve had to take the decision that is I won’t take on any sponsors. You’ll probably get to see me reuse quite a few items that I love and hopefully you’re okay with that.. If not, well then I’m hardly the only blog out there 🙂

Something else happened that has kept me away from blogging, simply cause nothing seemed important anymore.
In my last post “Mama’s Pearl” I talked about how my mom had gone to the hospital. She was there for a week and a half before she passed, and 2 days prior to her death, we were told cancer had spread to her entire body. It was an unbearable blow and though I’m grateful her suffering was short, I have not come to accept her death in the least.
She never knew about my Second Life, or this blog so maybe it’s silly to make this post in her honor, but that’s what I’m doing nontheless.

I’ve been lucky enough to have some very special people in my life who’s stood by me in this time, in one way another, and I can never thank them enough.

Skin: [Chickadee] – Aer (porcelain)
Hair: +Spellbound+ – NachoBitch
Eyes: {S0NG} – Blossom (deep blue eye) ::CosplaySL::
Blush: Pink Acid – Blush
Cold: .Oh!Liv. – Got A Cold
Necklace: -Buttery Toast- – Little Darling (brown)
Coat: _CandyDoll_ – Lolita Coat (champagne) ::Sad November::
Hands: Slink – Elegant 1
Nails: -Buttery Toast- – Frosty (group gift)
Shoes: .tsg. – Preppy Boots (mocha)