Wake Up, You Might Be Dreaming…

Wake Up, You Might Be Dreaming...

Do you daydream? I know that I do.. Sometimes probably more than should be allowed. It’s often that I find myself staring into thin air, imagining something that I’ve either heard or seen or read. It’s something that I’ve been doing for as far as I can remember.. When I was a kid, I even had an imaginary friend. His name was Cat ^^
Don’t ask me why. As far as I can recall, he wasn’t of the feline species, neither did my family ever own a cat. Some say that it’s healthy for kids to have imaginary friends like that, and even to daydream.. That it evolves and develops their imagination, and yet we were always told to pay attention when we’d find ourselves slip into fantasy land during classes.
In my case, it’s something I still enjoy doing due to the lack of restrictions that exists inside our own minds… Hopefully that doesn’t make me sound like too much of a nutcase ^^

Todays outfit is a present from the wonderful Amelie whose blog you can find [here]. These overalls and shirt can be yours for only 99L at The Chapter Four. They have a ton of texture combinations that I absolutely adore and they went perfectly together with the cute rabbit stockings by, oh will you look at that, they are made by Amelie ♥ Go check out her store on the Marketplace cause it has some seriously cute stuff.

Shape: [Chickadee] – Misa
Skin: [Chickadee] – Misa (porcelain)
Hair: TRUTH – Melita
Headband: +Half-Deer+ – Forest Tale (flower crown) @the.arcade
Eyes: [Buzzeri] – Faerie Eyes (chocolate) [moving mainstore]
Ears: [MANDALA] – Pierced Elf Ears VER2 (long)
Outfit: ::7Style:: – Melanie Overalls @the.chapter.four
Stockings: { Hello Rabbit! } – Rabbit Stockings
Shoes: Flite. – Outsiders (star studded) RARE @the.arcade
Fairy: !Ohmai – Gerbera Faery [no longer available]
Poses: by Kirin


New Directions…

New Directions

No, this post has nothing to do with Glee or anything there-of, and the fact that I feel the need to mention that makes me slightly worried. lol. So if you anticipate random and spontanious outbursts of song in the following paragraphs, I’m sad to disappoint you.

This is however a post that hopefully won’t get too personal, but yet some.  You see, in real life I’m quite the perfectionist and I tend to bring that with me into SL.. so much that the minute I feel like I’m not doing as good as I’d like, or see someone that is clearly better, then I succumb to that emotion of irrelevance.  In the end it’s a vicious circle of working my ass off and then feel unhappy of the result no matter what..  Do I think I’m the only one out there like that? Absolutely not… It’s quite common and the only difference is how each individual handle the situation.

So it’s time for a new direction… Cause I’m excellent at giving good advice and tell others to believe in themselves, but when it’s about myself, I’m less kind. But there is a lot to me thankful for.. Things I sometimes forget is there while I dive into a hole of selfpity.
I have some amazing friends.. I have my wonderful husband and we’ve decided to extend our little two person family. Yup, you heard me.. Penny, the spokesperson for “people against kid avatars” are planning to adopt.
Call it a moment of insanity… or maybe a moment of clarity? In either case it’s something that’ll take us a while to get familiar with and hopefully that will be the beginning of a long joyful time ♥
So take care of eachother out there.. Call or IM your friend and let them know you love them. Kiss your partner and tell them you can’t imagine life without them and when you tuck your kids in at night, then take a good look and enjoy the moment.. cause that’s what life is all about.

Shape: [Chickadee] – Iris
Skin: [Chickadee] – Iris (nude)
Hair: Clawtooth – Fade Into You (prize 8 dreamy red) @the.arcade
Bow: .:Buttery Toast:. – Life’s a Frill (red)
Eyes: [Chickadee] – Bloom (forest)
Outfit: AMITOMO – Long T-shirt + Waist-Shirt (set 3) @the.chapter.four
Necklace: +Half-Deer+ – Forest’s Tale Heart Key @the.arcade
Pin: .random.Matter. – MisaMisa Pins Random (kitty)
Pet: +Half-Deer+ – Forest’s Tale Mrs. Nuttington @the.arcade
Bag: =Zenith= – Chicken Bag @the.arcade
Legwarmers: [monso] – My Leg Warmers (grey)
Shoes: -FAUN- – Platform Play Verse (white) @the.chapter.four
Pose: Le Poppycock – Cakewalk B @the.chapther.four


Bright as Yellow

Bright as Yellow

I think, as I’ve gotten a few more sponsors behind me that the long blogposts will have to take a step back at times. Now those who knows me, also know how much I love writing, and that’s a major part of the reason why I started this blog in the first place, so for that reason, it won’t disappear at all.. It’ll just be a littler shorter, and a little rarer. It’s a sacrifice I’ll have to make if I want to honor the creators who are so kind as to show me faith in blogging their items…
I’ve been feeling a little behind lately, and having internet trouble that makes my inworld time sparse recently, is not helping.

However, I do have some very interesting items for you today.. two creators, two events. Sounds like a battle? Well it ain’t ^^
*Bubblefish* have been asked to be a guest designer at the new round at the Co-Op Event, and she’s joined them by putting up two exclusive bikinis for sale. This was my favourite.. I’m in a real yellow mood lately.. 🙂
.:Buttery Toast:. has joined The Big Show with her two exclusive items which are both called Life’s a Frill.. a bow and glasses, sold seperately. But really, they’re worth every penny.. and lindens too XD

{Let’s Get Physical}
Skin: .Atomic. – HeartStrings (creme) @thechapter4
Hair: +Spellbound+ – Toothbrush
Eyes: IKON – Spectral Eyes (abyss)
Hands: Slink – Casual & Elegant

{Dressed Up to Undress}
Bikini: *Bubblefish* – Yellow Floral Bikini @co-op

{Find That Statement Piece}
Bow: .:Buttery Toast:. – Life’s a Frill Bow @thebigshow
Glasses: .:Buttery Toast:. – Life’s a Frill Glasses @thebigshow
Ice: /// offbeat /// – ICE Factory Rabbit 06 @thechapter4
Poses: Le Poppycock – *Hot Air* A @thechapter4



ONE WORD.... WONDERLANDI can’t help but love when I’m introduced to event that I’ve never heard of before, and especially ones with interesting concepts.
Let’s face it.. There are a lot of store, fairs, event.. etc out there in SL land. Some people know some that others do not, and in the end I think it boild down to which type of style you’re going for yourself. If you’re goth, you probably won’t find yourself at the Manga Fair now would you? ^^

I tend to go for a little bit over everything and find myself switching styles fairly often. Currently, I seen to buy and dress towards the “cutesy” stuff.. Colourful glasses, flowers and soft colours.. Can I just interject that I absolutely love that nude is a colour option? Yes, yes I can.. XD

The event that is the basis for this blogpost, is OneWord.. An event based solely around one word, voted on by the public (that’s you guys) on their website. It’s bi-monthly and will therefore be here for July and then return in September with a new word as inspiration.
This month, the word was Wonderland and when you go, you’ll see that Alice and The White Rabbit have spread their magic across the sim and the designers have gone all out, bring their A game when it comes to this single word.

Originally, I only went there for the [MotiAme] umbrealla gatcha, which proved to show me good luck as I got just the one I wanted! I know I sound overly excited about that, but it’s truly a rare occurance, so let me enjoy for a couple of minutes mmmkay?

All in all a really cool place and I’ll look forward to going back in September. Hopefully I won’t be spending nearly as much money then, but really, what the chance of that ever happening?

Top: *ionic* – Under top (white) @TheChapterFour
Skirt: *ionic* – Demin High Skirt (caramel) @TheChapterFour
Hair: [Due] – Mia @OneWord
Glasses: ::Modish:: – Wanderland Frames (blue) @OneWord
Hairband: pr!tty – Floral Wonderland @OneWord
Umbrella: [MotiAme] – Umbrella Bunny Flower RARE @OneWord
Bangles: *MM* – Resin Bangles


ScrumptiousWhen I was a kid, my favourite dress was a pink one that my grandfather gave me for my birthday. It was my most priced possesion for years and when I grew out of it, I was so heartbroken, I told my mom I wanted to be little again so I could wear it.

Growing up, that dress has always been one I’d think back to, especially after my grandfather died, and wished I could wear it just one more time.. And now I’ve managed to find one in Second Life that actually resembles it a little bit.
How awesome is that? XD
So thank you to .Atomic. for bringing back happy memories. This dress comes in four difference colours with a matching ice cream cone handbag, and can be found at this of The Chapter Four.
Sidenote: I got hungry just typing that.. #nomnom

As you can probably tell, I am once again wearing Yara’s Band from .:Buttery Toast:. but wait, something is different isn’t it?
You’re absolutely right something is different.
For the new round at Cosmopolitan Sales Room, Mama Toast have made the exclusive white and black band.
Of course, it comes with the colour HUD that let’s you change not only the band and ribbon, but ALSO the body of the butterfly this time, to either white, black or green.
Have you already bought the previous bands in-store? Well then just remember that the band and ribbon options will work with these as well, so you can create a butterfly that is unique to you.
The black and white Yara’s Band are only available until the 21st of June at CSR, so make sure you grab them before they go bye bye.

Speaking of being scrumptiously delicious…
.:Buttery Toast:. has a brand new group gift for its members.
Toast rings and earrings! Yeah, you heard me.. They come in a butter, jam and chocolate version and are just the most adorable little pieces of special jewelry.
I honestly don’t wear a lot of earrings in SL cause my ears are usually covered anyways, but with these, I just had to find a hair that made it possible for me to show them off.

Hairband: .:Buttery Toast:. – Yara’s Band (limited white) @CSR
Earrings: .:Buttery Toast:. – Buttery on Toast earrings @MainStore
Ring: .:Buttery Toast:. – Jam on Toast @MainStore
Dress/Purse: .Atomic. – {Sunday} (pink) @CH4
Necklace: +Half-Deer+ – NEKOlace (siamese) @CH4
Hair: pr!tty – Adriana @CH4
Tattoo: *PerveTTE* – Crow Free


Mad (Wo)Men

Mad Women #1

In the late 70’s, the Anni Hall look was sweeping the nation. Forget the skirt, forget the frills, forget the typical gender role and put on a damn suit girl, cause you can make it look stunning.

Every day, women make an impact around the World. We are not wear nor lesser than any man. So celebrate, and be happy.
You’re a daughter, girlfriend, wife, mother and most important of all… You are YOU.

Thank you to Glo from Bubblefish for the collaboration on this post, inspired by women everywhere. Mwah!

Mad Women #2

On Penny:

Suit: FDB – Female Pants Suit (blue peacock) @FashionART
Necklace: .:Buttery Toast:. – Coming up Roses Necklace @CSR
Hair: Wasabi Pills – Betty
Shoes: Culprit and KoiKoi – KoiKoi Gloss Pumps
Tattoo: Your Cocain – Slink Birds

On Glo:

Suit: FBD – Female Pants Suit (open white) @FashionStarsSalesroom
Hair: pr!tty – Lo (soft dipped) RARE @TheChapterFour
Shoes: _CandyDoll_ – Gossa (rose)
Jewels: ~Tantalum~ – Golden Tie Me A Bow Bracelet & Ring Collection